Episode 89: The Bronx Nobody Knows

Distinguished Professor William Helmreich (Graduate Center/City College, Sociology) did his daily steps and then some, logging tens of thousands of miles on foot. The result – in addition to lots of new shoes – is a series of books documenting his journeys: The New York Nobody Knows: Walking 6,000 Miles in the City; The Brooklyn Nobody Knows; The Manhattan Nobody Knows, The Queens Nobody Knows and most recently The Bronx Nobody Knows: An Urban Walking Guide (Princeton U. Press, 2023). It’s the latter one that Bill was working on when he passed away in the first COVID wave in March 2020.

Prof. Helmreich’s wife, Helaine, is carrying on her husband’s legacy and generously sharing stories from the latest book and their journeys together. She accompanied her husband on many of those miles and in this episode, she talks with Beth Harpaz, my former CUNY colleague and a favorite guest host. Beth and Helaine met while Beth was writing an article for the Forward where she now works.

Bill Helmreich

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